Sunday, November 27, 2011

Melvia Miller Price's address, not PO Box

Reward to information (Las Vegas)

Date: 2011-11-27, 4:46AM PST
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

A good residential address where Melvia Miller-Price will be served process papers is needed.

  • Location: Las Vegas
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2722589093

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Melvia Miller not returning Registered/ Return Receipt requested demand letter for law suit

The author of this defamation of character, Melvia Miller-Price uses free sites such as,, and more that she could put her hands on.  Melvia Miller made false accusations with the Children Protective Services and the CPS in Los Angeles has made a notation of this notorious false report as it was a waste of taxpayers money.  The case was dismissed and can be viewed at the, just type Melvia Miller.
Melvia Miller committed perjury with the District Attorney Bad Check Restitution of Las Vegas claiming Lucille handed her a check.
Melvia Miller uses other identity and Lucille tried to sue her, as recommended by Las Vegas township.  She has not returned the registered, certified return receipt of the demand letter, which was a requirement for Small Claims Court before proceeding.  Anyone who knows her physical home address will receive a reward.  A law firm in Las Vegas who is willing to be my lawyer, who will have to serve her either through public notification post in Review Journal as a proof of service, or the PO Box administrator would be welcome as well.  Please contact (213)353-9895.
The public is the judge.  Cast your vote on Melvia Miller, the extortionist, opportunist.  

Melvia Miller-Price of Las Vegas

Melvia Miller is a certified cyber bullyer and uses free websites such as scam chasers, which became which doesn't let you rebut because scamchasers cannot be found.

This are spin offs of for this company to extort money as well.  You are not getting a dime for me, you will just get more exposure of what you truly deserve.  The truth. is same as scamchasers

Melvia Miller joins cohorts in extorting money from earnest workers by defaming their character.